G3408 Gas Compression Engine
Tough and durable, built on the industry-standard G3400 platform bring maximum uptime and low operating cost to your operation. G3408 engines meet the most demanding continuous duty gas compression applications
... with virtually no unscheduled downtime.Ideal applications for G3408 engines include gas lift, gas gathering, and wellhead gas compression. Cat G3408 gas engine. Ratings: 190-298 bkW (255-400 bhp) @ 1800 rpm are NSPS site compliant capable with customer-provided air-fuel ratio control and aftertreatment or available for non-regulated areas.
Engine Specifications
- Maximum Rating
- Rated Speed
- Emissions
Rich Burn: Standard Emissions for Export Only
- Minimum Rating
- Compression Ratio
- Aspiration
Naturally Aspirated or Turbocharged - Aftercooled
- Rotation from Flywheel End
- Flywheel and Flywheel Housing
SAE No. 0
- Flywheel Teeth
- Displacement
- Length
- Oil Change Interval
750 hours
- Width
- Ignition, Protection
Altronic III
- Stroke
- Bore
- Height
- Weight - Dry
Capacity for Liquids
- Cooling System
14.5gal (US)
- Lube Oil System - Refill
12.2gal (US)
Engine Design
- Improved reliability and durability - Ability to burn a wide spectrum of gaseous fuels - Robust diesel strength design prolongs life and lowers owning and operating costs- Broad operating speed range
Full Range of Attachments
Large variety of factory-installed engine attachments reduces packaging time
Every engine is full-load tested to ensure proper engine performance.
Gas Engine Rating Pro
GERP is a web-based program designed to provide site performance capabilities for Cat® natural gas engines for the gas compression industry. GERP provides engine data for your site's altitude, ambient temperature, fuel, engine coolant heat rejection, performance data, installation drawings, spec sheets, and pump curves.
Product Support Offered Through Global Cat Dealer
More than 2,200 dealer outletsCat factory-trained dealer technicians service every aspect of your petroleum engineCat parts and labor warrantyPreventive maintenance agreements available for repairbefore-failure optionsS•O•SSM program matches your oil and coolant samples against Caterpillar set standards to determine:- Internal engine component condition- Presence of unwanted fluids- Presence of combustion by-products- Site-specific oil change interval
Over 80 Years of Engine Manufacturing Experience
Over 60 years of natural gas engine productionOwnership of these manufacturing processes enables Caterpillar to produce high quality, dependable products.- Cast engine blocks, heads, cylinder liners, and flywheel housings- Machine critical components- Assemble complete engine
Web Site
For all your petroleum power requirements, visit www.cat.com/oilandgas.
Standard Equipment:
- Air Inlet System
- Air cleaner — single element with service indicator
- Control System
- Governor — Woodward PSG mechanical
- Governor control — positive locking
- Cooling System
- Thermostats and housing
- Jacket water pump
- Aftercooler water pump
- Aftercooler core
- Exhaust System
- Watercooled exhaust manifolds
- Dry exhaust elbow
- Flywheel & Flywheel Housing
- SAE No. 0 flywheel
- SAE No. 0 flywheel housing
- SAE standard rotation
- Fuel System
- Gas pressure regulator
- Natural gas carburetor
- Lube System
- Crankcase breather — top mounted
- Oil cooler
- Oil filter — RH
- Auxiliary oil reservoir
- Rear sump oil pan
- Oil filler in valve cover and dipstick — RH
- General
- Paint — Cat yellow
- Crankshaft vibration damper and drive pulleys
- Lifting eyes
Optional Equipment:
- Air Inlet System
- Air cleaner — dual element
- Air inlet adapter
- Precleaner
- Air cleaner rain cap
- Charging System
- Battery chargers
- Charging alternators
- Ammeter gauge
- Ammeter gauge and wiring
- Control mounting
- Control System
- EG3P/2301A speed control governor
- PSG electric governor
- PSG pneumatic governor
- Cooling System
- Radiators
- Non-sparking blower fan
- Blower fan and fan drives for customer suppliedradiators
- ATAAC conversion
- Aftercooler
- Expansion tank
- Heat exchanger
- Exhaust System
- Flexible fittings
- Elbows
- Flanges
- Rain caps
- Mufflers
- Exhaust manifold
- Fuel System
- Dual gas regulator
- Low energy fuel carburetor
- Low pressure gas conversion
- Propane and natural gas valve and jet kits
- Fuel filter
- Ignition System
- CSA ignition
- Ignition ground wiring harness
- Power supply — digital ignition system
- Instrumentation
- Gauges and instrument panels
- Lube System
- Auxiliary oil reservoir removal
- Lubricating oil
- Power Take-offs
- Auxiliary drive pulleys
- Enclosed clutch
- Clutch support
- Front stub shaf
- Flywheel stub shaft
- Pulley removal
- Starting System
- Air starting motor
- Electric air start control
- Air pressure regulator
- Air silencer
- Electric starting motor — single 24-volt
- Starting aids
- Battery sets (24-volt dry), cables, and rack